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Beauty Plus Power

Saturday, February 11, 2006

Wide Calf Boots
A lot of my readers write to me with questions about wide calf boots. I wanted to let all of you know that Zappos has some seriously BANGIN' wide calf boots in stock right now. Here are a few of their best looking pairs:

Fitzwell - Jutta/Wide Calf Boot in Black Leather, $209.95

Fitzwell - Jutta Black Leather Boot
17" Circumference

Kenneth Cole Reaction - Moto Cross (Mid Brown) - Women's

Kenneth Cole Reaction Moto Cross
15" Circumference

Fitzwell - Jigsaw/Wide Calf (Plum Leather) - Women's

Fitzwell Jigsaw Plum Leather Boot
15" Circumference


  • At 7:34 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    I seriously LOVE those Kenneth Cole boots!

    Fabulous blog, btw. I'm career pathing to become a freelance image consultant for plus size women, currently I'm a manager at a plus size chain store where I do a spend a lot of time trying to urge women to "step out of the box" when it comes to fashion.

    thanks for introducing me to b&lu, they're my new online favorite :)

  • At 1:59 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    I actually found some wide calf boots at Wal Mart - The George Brand makes them stretchy enough that even a girl like me (22" calves) can wear them and feel great.

  • At 12:02 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    OMG I just got those fITZWELLS FROM Zappos. They are the best. The most expensive item of clothing I own and soooo worth it. they fit my sz22 leg perfectly/ Are ulta sexy and make me fell like a superhero!


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