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Wednesday, November 23, 2005

Is it cheesy to give my thanks?
Traditionally on Thanksgiving you are supposed to do just what the holiday says - give thanks. It's cheesy, admittedly, but also kind of a cool thing to do if you think about it. I figured I'd take a little space up in my blogging today with some thanks.

I am thankful for:

-Stretch bootcut jeans
-Sweet potato mallow (the best thanksgiving food ever, thanks mom!)
-My niece, the most beautiful creature on the planet
-Hair dye, which transformed me into a "natural" redhead
-Brian, my boyfriend and possible the best boy on the planet and the other half of my heart
-The Weight Watchers points plan, which I will tell you about in detail soon, if you don't shoot me first for being part of the conspiracy in the first place
-Freelance clients who pay me in large wads of cash
-Chrismukkah Cards
-My family, all of whom are crazy and yet all kick ass, and who I will enter a turkey coma with tomorrow
-The people who write me sweet emails about how BPP has helped them, which pulls me through the days that I feel like running the site alone is too hard

-I am also thankful to anyone who will actually go back to the archives and read this post after I actually attach it to my website, because right now it floats in cyberspace and is presumably read by no one.....

Happy Thanksgiving Everyone! Lisa


  • At 9:04 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Lisa, please elucidate why you would , as somebody who is size-proud, on weight watchers, the root of all evil? Surely going to the gym is enough if you feel you want to be more fit? Please explain, I am in my own size acceptance process and just find it so depressing to hear this.

  • At 9:31 PM, Blogger Lisafashionista said…

    Anonymous - Yes, I must do a post about Weight Watchers soon so my readers can fully understand why I did it.

    The short (long) story: After my teen years of dieting, phen fen and liposuction, I actually ended up way fatter than I started out as. I spent most of my twenties eating exactly what I wanted and not exercising, and thus further packed on the pounds.

    I found myself at 25 weighing 233 pounds, and unable to walk 10 blocks without feeling tired. I realized that I was trying to be a representative of plus size health and beauty because of BPP, and here I was in terrible shape!

    I started going to the gym in order to improve my physical health, and it had a major effect.

    I then came to realize that I would like to lose some weight to further reach my health potential. NO DIETING and NOT TRYING TO GET SKINNY, but I am trying to find a healthy weight for myself and Weight Watchers has helped with that.

    My guess is my best weight would be something like 175 - I'll still be a solid size 14 at least, but I will be a fit and happy one. But my personal opinion is that people should be happy with themselves whatever size they are, even if they may end up deciding to change it in the future. I was happy at 233, but when I realized I wasn't healthy, thats what brought on the change.

    And by the way - Weight Watchers has taught me important stuff like portion sizes, and I still get to eat stuff like cheeseburgers and candy - but I also make sure to get in all my vegatables and water too! I am more than happy to go into more detail on any all aspects of my weight struggles for you and any of my readers, and I promise to do so in a future post.


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